Day 2 January 13, 2021

  1. Sign up for GitHub Student account:
  2. PC Users: Install Notepad++  and NppToR 
    1. use Installr to install NppToR:
      install.npptor() # installs the latest version of NppToR
    2. How to use. Open a script in Notepad++:

      F8: pass code to R.  Will start R if not started and is registered in the registry.
      Ctrl+F8: Passes entire file to R.
      Ctrl+Shift+F8: run current file as a batch file. Will save if file is currently modified.

      The about dialog should have all this information and will change if changes are made through the ini settings.


  1. Questions from Readings
  2. Setting up your Environment – Rclass working directory
  3. Manipulating Objects
    1. Talk about Object Properties
    2. Coercing one object type to another
    3. Indexing
    4. Logical Vectors
  4. Practice Script cars_script.R in ClassCodeData GitHub
    1. Make your own script to read in and plot hab_pr.csv

Before Next Time:

  1. Watch Factors Podcast
  2. Read in Laulima/Perusall – Rbootcamp and Refresr sections on factors, object manipulation examples, scripting
  3. Start Homework (HW due Monday)