- Sign up for GitHub Student account: https://education.github.com/students
- PC Users: Install Notepad++ and NppToR
- use Installr to install NppToR:
help(installr)install.npptor() # installs the latest version of NppToR
How to use. Open a script in Notepad++:
F8: pass code to R. Will start R if not started and is registered in the registry.
Ctrl+F8: Passes entire file to R.
Ctrl+Shift+F8: run current file as a batch file. Will save if file is currently modified.The about dialog should have all this information and will change if changes are made through the ini settings.
- use Installr to install NppToR:
- Questions from Readings
- Setting up your Environment – Rclass working directory
- Manipulating Objects
- Talk about Object Properties
- Coercing one object type to another
- Indexing
- Logical Vectors
- Practice Script cars_script.R in ClassCodeData GitHub
- Make your own script to read in and plot hab_pr.csv
Before Next Time:
- Watch Factors Podcast
- Read in Laulima/Perusall – Rbootcamp and Refresr sections on factors, object manipulation examples, scripting
- Start Homework (HW due Monday)